Saturday 19 March 2016

Jamall Robinson - Becoming A Business Adviser

Jamall Robinson was once a business adviser. He enjoyed helping other people and companies come up with plans and ideas to make them more successful. If you are hoping to find a job in the business industry, you may want to become a business adviser.

Gain Knowledge
If you are going to be a business adviser, you need to be knowledgeable about various business practices. Make sure you attend college and take the appropriate courses that will help you get the knowledge you need to become a business adviser or consultant.

Gain Experience
Most people will want to hire someone with experience and when you are just starting out you may not have much of it. Try working with other consultants or advisers and even volunteering your time or completing an internship to gain experience in the industry.

Gain Clients
Once you have the knowledge and the experience needed to become a business adviser, you need to start finding clients. It may be difficult at first, but getting your name out, there will eventually pay off. You will need to build your client base over time and don’t forget to advertise your services.

Jamall Robinson knows that being a business adviser is not easy but it can be enjoyable. If you love helping people and have a knack for business, you may make a good business adviser. Business advisers make good money and help a lot of people. If business is something you enjoy and you feel that you could help other people or companies improve, work towards becoming a business adviser.

Monday 14 March 2016

Jamall Robinson - How To Get A Book Published

Jamall Robinson is a successful writer who has had three books published. He knows that getting your book published isn't easy and can take a lot of time and hard work. If you have written a book and want to get it published, follow the steps below.

Find An Agent

If you want to send your book to publishers, you need to find an agent who can help. Most publishers do not accept submissions from anyone other than literary agents. Find an agent who handles your specific writing genre and has the connections you are interested in.

Choose A Publisher

You may find that several different published are interested in your book. You should take your time to review your offers from each publisher and choose the one that offers the best deal and benefits for you. Choosing the wrong publisher could ruin your writing career.


Although some people are against self-publishing, it is an option. When you self-publish you pay to have your book printed and then sell the copies or promote them yourself. They are often only sold online or in certain stores and the author is in charge or advertising and selling the copies.

Writing a book isn’t easy and getting a book published can be even harder. Jamall Robinson is proud of his published books and is always happy to offer tips and suggestions to writers who are hoping to get their books published as well.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Jamall Robinson - Tips For Building A Website

Jamall Robinson knows that it is important to stay up to date with technology. One of the thing he takes pride in being able to do is build websites. He can build websites for himself to promote his books or even build them for others. If you want to learn how to build a website, follow these tips.

Give It A Good Layout

You don’t want your website to be confusing or boring to your visitors so you need to make a simple and clean layout. Make sure your photos and content are organized and the fonts you use are easy to read and big enough for all visitors to see.

Add Lots Of Images

People like to see images that relate to the subject they are reading about. Make sure you add a lot of images to your website. The images should be placed wisely and should not clutter the web page. Make sure they relate to the content and website topic.

Make The Content Interesting

If you are going to get your visitors to come back to learn more, you need to make your content interesting. Make sure your text is free from any error and that you are always adding new content that is current and applies to the website subject.

Building a website may seem like something that is difficult or confusing, but once you get the hang of it and learn some of the basics, you may find that it is very simple. Jamall Robinson enjoys building websites and once you learn how, you will too.